
The Opossum and the Cats by author Marilyn Wassmann is a story that shows how important a kind decision can lead to a great friendship for both humans and even animals. This is the story of an Opossum and a mother cat who was about to have her kittens, but she had no home. She met the Opossum in his little hole and asked if she could have her kittens there. He could not say no and allowed her to have her five kittens in his home. Despite their differences, the cats continue to live with the Opossum even though they disrupt his quiet life. Their friendship grew even stronger when the Opossum saved four of the kittens. You will need to read this book to find out what he did?


Opening your space to another, although at times may bring you discomfort is always worth the risk. The Opossum and the Cats written by Marilyn Wassaman is a beautiful story told in Rhyme. It tells of the kindness of the opossum and the gratitude that was taught to the litter by their mother. Who says persons can’t exist together as the animals do? The author places the story into the perspective of dynamism, kindness, thoughtfulness, and patience. This story reminds me of how good, doing good, feels, for one’s own happiness.


Marilyn Wassaman’s The Opossum and the Cats is a lovely, rhymed narrative that tells about the opossum’s benevolence and the thankfulness instilled in the litter by their mother. The author tells the story in a kind and thoughtful manner that made for a very enjoyable read, and perhaps serves as an anecdotal reminder of how fulfilling it is to contribute for not only the benefit of others, but for the benefit of one’s own happiness. This was an enjoyable short picture book that comes highly recommended.


The Opossum and the Cats by Marilyn Wassmann is a cute book with adorable illustrations in the form of line drawings. There’s a bit of a moral lesson at the end, while older children and even adults will enjoy this story. With a slight rhythm to the writing, this is a great book to read aloud. Many great lessons can be learned here, cooperation, kindness, and more. Highly recommend.

Jesse Presgraves

The Opossum and the Cats by Marilyn Benjamin Wassmann doesn’t let you know anything about what to expect based on the blurb- which is just a repeat of the author’s bio. This book is a cute story about a mother cat who births her kittens in the den of an opossum and the two having to learn to share space and time. It wasn’t exactly realistic but it was an easy read and a cute one.

Pearl A.

I always have a soft spot for children’s books. Growing up with a love for literature, children’s books were my base to find my passion in reading. What the Wind Blew In, written by Marilyn Wassmann, is an example of a literary work that I believe will enthrall children. It includes six short stories that are all well-thought-out. I love the simplicity of the stories here. They make me feel warm and fuzzy. This is such a great book for children especially if parents read them for a bedtime story-telling. I also love that it includes pictures. I highly recommend!

Russ Ann

First and foremost, what really caught my eye was the amazing illustrations in the book. It was such a great experience reading the story, and the artistic illustrations with it just made it even more entertaining to read especially since children are very interested in colors and drawings. All the stories are such a fun read for children, especially when I read this book to my little cousin, he couldn’t stop staring at the illustrations. He really liked the colors and he kept pointing at it whenever he sees it.

JoJo Maxson

I found this book fun to read as Marilyn Wassmann opens the world of nature in a magical way. The stories featured pets, toys, and inanimate objects coming to life to save and care about those around them. There are many lessons you can pull from these stories to teach children about life. My favorite lessons would be, be kind to those around you, listen to your parents as they teach you about safety, and look out for your friends.